
By 1YearInAddis


This guy was placidly grazing by the side of the street as I ran by. I stopped and snapped the shot, and he didn't mind, or ask for "moto birr", (100 birr), as the tow truck driver did today, when I asked if I could take a photo of his truck. I declined to pay and started to walk away, and then he actually encouraged me to photograph his truck (really a small land cruiser), for no money. I may blip that photo later.

Related to this, our landlord and landlady gave us a joint of mutton to cook up yesterday. I had briefly wondered what happened to the sheep which was sharing the courtyard with us last week. Now I know. It took me an inordinately long time to debone it tonight, but now it is stew, which the kids didn't seem to mind. Found potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and green and red peppers to add, all from the local fruit stand. Unfortunately, 2 hours of simmering wasn't quite enough. It will get more tomorrow, as leftovers.

I had a productive meeting with Dawit today about the family medicine project, as Brian and Anj are in Victoria Falls for a conference. We covered lots of ground on preceptors, admission interviews, evaluations, placements etc. I will have to turn out the minutes tomorrow morning, as I'm bushed now.

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