Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Beautiful Teeth ...

... beautiful girl! I've been trying to get a picture of the new smile since the braces came off but without much success - she has a beautiful smile but just doesn't show her teeth so this is one of the better shots. Still a gorgeous girl with lovely teeth!

Today's picture should really have been the wee lad as we are just back from his parents night and he seem to be turning into a bit of a star as well. Although he does have a bad habit of suddenly feeling the need to share something with the teacher and jumping up and shouting out. She is very pleased with his roll as Junior Road Safety Officer. He seems to be taking his duties very seriously and is very confident when reporting back to the class. His roll includes teaching small children how to cross the road - which came as a surprise to me as I'm not sure he has ever listened to anything I've told him about crossing roads and to see him leave the house to run to his friends you would think he had right of way over the cars! Never mind, I have been assured that they don't practise on real roads and while he may not put it into practise he does appear to know the theory.

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