
I arrived home from work today to one of those notes through the letterbox that tell you a parcel has been left with a neighbour or in a safe place or in a collection depot 45 minutes away in Preston*. Any of which is better than the time a delivery company left my new iPad Pro behind a flower pot in front of my parents' house where it sat for 36 hours until I found it.

I have to confess, I get quite a lot of parcels. Apart from groceries, online shopping is my favoured medium. Thus, I wasn't surprised by the delivery note but I was taken aback when it turned out to refer to a box of wine from Laithwaites. As far as I can remember, I've never ordered anything from Laithwaites. Ever!

There was no note but also no prices, which led me to believe it was a gift. But from whom? I emailed Laithwaites, who replied a while later to say it had been sent by a Cynthia Fitzgibbons. I don't know anyone by that name! Anyway, as I'm in my pre-marathon temperance zone, at least there was no temptation to open any of the bottles.

*This has happened to me. 

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Reading: Still nothing!

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