George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Three in three days.  I suppose we should give HER a pat on the back.

My Auntie Jane (the book keeper) came yesterday, and we was glued to the computer screen ALL day.  When Auntie Jane wented home, we did pack up and go on a long walk.  Wherein I did disgrace myself a bit. 

SHE did ask this man if I could say hello to his small white dog, whereupon, he did say yes, even though the small white dog was not on a lead.  I did sniff it a bit, and I did give just one bark; whereupon the small white dog took off in a fright attack, and the last we did see was the man scrabbling about trying to find the aforesaid small white dog.

I plead not guilty Milud.  Honestly, she did ask permission first, and if the small white dog was not on a lead we can't be blamed can we.

Whereupon, we did take off like a pair of rockets, on account of we would only have made things worse if we had stayed.

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