Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner

Cuddles to the Vet

It's been a week since I had taken Cuddles to the Vets. She had what I thought was a really good week. She wasn't staying under the bed everyday and almost never coming out. She was out about in the house all week. Sitting on my desk when I was in the office. Sitting on my lap while I watched t.v. and even sleeping with me at night. All the things she used to do before she got so sick. She had even been eating good. I couldn't wait to get her weighed today and tell the vet how good she'd been doing. She actually gained 2/10th of a pound, but at least she hadn't lost any weight. Then the vet said not to get all that excited. It probably wasn't permanent. She still has her failing kidney problem. My heart just sank. I was so not ready to hear that. I still am not.

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