Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

Staking a claim

This pic posted itself without waiting for me to write any text.  So sorry to anyone who saw it and thought "whaaa..." ?

Here is a slightly fuzzy pic of a welcome swallow who has staked a claim at the gap under the jetty. A room with a view for this little chap. Too far away for a good shot.

I only had a selection of blurry seagulls, blurry shags and blurry gannets  that turned out to be seagulls. So, it had to be the home building swallow.

Grey and miserable today. I called at the fishing wharf on spec as I had to go that way to get some apples. Who should turn up but Mr and Mrs Blipmate looking for the birds we saw yesterday. There were people fishing but no birds doing likewise.

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