Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Swan Dinner

It's always such a pleasure to come upon the cygnets now almost full grown.
I've had a busy round : 1st morning of a WEA course I'm attending on the Brontes. I'm not impressed by the tutor who simply read from notes. We were looking at juvenilia : it got much livelier when, at my suggestion we started to read aloud 2 poems. I hope things improve. I've found good 2nd hand copies of most of the books.  I'm well into Ann Bronte's Tenant of Wildfell Hall, that can be said to be the first sustained Feminist novel.
Pilates after this, then on to organic fruit/veg shopping.  It's fortunate this can all be done on foot.
By the time I've legged it home I'm truly famished.

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