Not Nice

This was the view as we drove past Kinnoull Hill into Perth this morning!. There is a tower up there somewhere!  I thought the weather was set for the day, but it actually brightened up later and became a pleasant afternoon.  However, there were dark clouds gathering by the time we drove home later in the day and the wind is picking up strength now, so we will have to batten down the hatches tonight:-)

TJ and I had a fun afternoon playing Mah Jong with a group from Perth U3A.  I finally managed to persuade TJ to join as well (I've been a member for years), as otherwise he'd have had to drive me there and return for me a couple of hours later.  We haven't played for decades, although we do have our own set of tiles and it all came back to us slowly.  Actually, TJ won 4 of the 5 games his team played, so not sure if he'll be asked back again:-)

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