Bus Challenge No 152-ish!

Bristol Airport

To Bristol Airport this morning so that I could help my parents check in for their flight using the new self-service machines. Turned out that it was very easy to do but I didn’t mind the trip, you know I love airports. After a mooch around the airport shops, I treated myself to a bar of chocolate then walked to the bus stop outside of the airport grounds so that I could use my bus pass for the journey home.

So not much of a Bus Challenge, but I did see something new, the airport has changed so much since I was last there 18 months ago: a new multi-storey car park, a new hotel, and new shops!

For the eagle-eyed among you, you may have noticed that the big departure board and check in desk screens are blank, and have been replaced by a whiteboard easel (behind the man with a rucksack). Here’s the reason why: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-45539841

Total bus journey time = 39 mins

(I’ve just posted my final backblip and my French Roadtrip journal is now complete, hooray!! Backblipping is hard work, and sometimes I don’t know why I bother, but I want to be able to include the photos in my Blip year book so I guess it’s worth it in the end...

La Vie à Quatre Roues! Jour 18: https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2488787682180729936 )

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