The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

........... as she saw that Minny had fainted again.  Obviously the thought of having his dis-located arm reinserted was too much for a bloke of his delicate constitution.

Marie turned back to her family as Minny got wump wump wumped away by the helicopter to the City Hospital.

Hey Dad, how am I gong to get back to the City.  I need to be with Minny.  I only realised when I saw him falling just how much he meant to me.  I .. I .... I think I love him!

Ah ma petite pumpkin, said Monsieur le Chef; do not worry zo much.  'Ere .. see ze letter I got today.  Ze 'elicopter pilot brought it wiz 'im.  (Don't ask - this is a Lego soapie; miracles happen with no good reason).

Le restaurant, eet eez all fixed up after that dreadful fire.  We can all go back to ze city.  Zere is only one petit problem!  I insist that Marianne and Michel come back wiz uz.   Zey cannot stay 'ere amongst ze bears.  Eet iz not safe for zem any more.  Maybe one day, when ze bears retreat back into ze mountains zey can return, but for now zey come wiz uz.  No? 

Zo, mes petits choux, Marianne and Michel, zey must stay in Minny's appartement above ze restaurant.  Zo where iz Minny going to live?
'Ere iz what we will do.  We will drive back to the city in ze Campervan.  Maybe I can park it in that green field by the fire station.  Just for a couple of days.  Zen we can work eet all out.

Non Marie, (as Marie started to look a bit hopeful) he cannot stay wiz you in your appartement.  I, Monsieur le Chef, will not allow zat.  You are not married - it would not be right.  Marie rolled her eyes, but realised there was no way she was going to sway him.  Monsieur le Chef had spoken and that was that.  Easy going as he was, there were some things he would not tolerate.

Marie looked at her sister, and Marianne looked back at Marie.  Both sighed in unison, and said - let's get packing.

(No cliff-hanger this week folks - we all know that Marie is going to drive back to the City with the extended family and they will meet up with Minny at the hospital ..... I hope.  But who knows!!  To find out, join me same place, same time next week.  And if you want to catch up on previous episodes, they get published every Tuesday, Adelaide time)

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