The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Zilch !!

Evening all,

Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today - Mark Twain

..... But apparently nothing did happen today.

nothing[ nuhth-ing ]
1. no thing; not anything; naught:nothing.

Nada, Rien, Niente, Niets, Zilch, diddlysquat, bugger all many ways to state what I did today,..... Not a bleeding thing ;0)

Except, sleep, watch telly and play xBox....... Handsome Boy was sooooooo jealous..... ;0)

This evening we popped in on Mini G so I could burn off some energy..... Although donot disturb ' Doc McStuffins' on the telly. ......!!!!!! ;0)

Just hope I can get the theme tune outta my head before bedtime lol.......believe me... I watched a few episodes with her and then found when I went to bed, the tune was still bouncing around in my head......nightmare !!!! ;0)

Ok....... Back to doing'll never last.....I'm never that lucky !!!! ;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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