More Water

This shot is today (a week after the hurricane) at a home and golf course community about a mile from my house.  A flooded golf course does not compare to the tragedies of flooding we've seen in many communities, but in these neighborhoods, the flooding was also in and around people's houses.  We could not reach the worst areas.  By the way, the little sign in the photo that says No. is the top of a hole marker beside what is the raised  tee off area for this  hole.  The river causing this flooding is to crest tomorrow.  Several nearby counties have already cancelled schools for all next week because conditions are so severe.  Maybe this is the last storm photo I'll post.  Thanks for your comments and patience  and comments.  Although we had little damage, it has taken the better part of the last two days doing outdoor cleaning of limbs and other places where debris was. As is  often true, the effect of this one is better in large.

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