
By colibaby

Day 728 – at last!

Just over 2 years ago I was surprised to be told I had osteoporosis, with extremely poor bone density in my lower spine (for someone so VERY young!). Because of my age and the severity, they prescribed a 2 year course of these injections – into the tummy daily – this was easy enough to do once shown how, leaving only the occasional bruise, but a pain when going on holiday as the injections had to be kept in the fridge, carried in a special cool bag and only allowed to be in that cool bag for a certain length of time – however, I managed and today was the last injection! 
The medication actually builds new bone, and when I had a scan after one year, the bone density in my lower back had increased by an impressive 18%, so hopefully when I get the final bone scan in a few weeks there will have been a similar increase. In fact, I’m hoping the running I’ve been doing for the last 6 months will make an additional difference, ‘shocking’ my bones into even more growth. 

When I’ve done a bit of research into this I can see that in the USA people are having to pay over $1,000 a month for this treatment – sometimes even if they already have health insurance. I speak to elderly people quite a lot through my work whose lower spines have ‘crumbled’, so I’m grateful for this preventative measure. All hail the NHS!!

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