
Visited Westonbirt today to see the changing colours, knowing that the pouring rain would mean it was pretty quiet. Lovely walk in the rain for just over an hour.

Baked my first ever handmade loaf of spelt bread which turned out well so I'm super pleased with that. 

Made some wonderful smelling veggie soup for tomorrow buying my veggies from Prince Charles' estate  ( even though the shop there isn't supposed to be trading any more according to the local paper) this involved me selecting what I wanted from a shed and then putting my £8 into an honesty box, all very weird but charming, the onions (huge, tied up together in the old fashioned gardener's way and tasting fabulous), kale and squash were super, the carrots were rather muddy, small and 'That's life' in shape (yes all of them) so I guess that's why they don't make it to the supermarket. I suspect from looking at the bunches of carrots remaining that someone had stolen a few of the larger carrots from each bunch remaining after I'd taken my bunch.

Someone I admire (politically, plus he's a nice person) who lost a partner a few years ago wrote an amazing piece today which made me cry and I wanted to share it and also selfishly keep it on my blip. I am assuming it's ok to share as he put it on a publicly accessible webpage.

'The shadow of my grief lengthens and softens as its sun sets. Not on him. Or me. Or us. It sets on pain that grew from the marrow of my bones and drowned me with absence. A sun of a different hue will rise. And grief's garments unseen will drape gently on my frame yet no longer drown. . . .'

Heart-breaking but really lovely

Blip sums up my day well, very wet, colourful and amazing!

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