Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Early blip today, I have to go and wrestle with immigration for a visa extension.

Unusual view of a spider, because usually the web is attached to a bush at the sides, preventing access.

Back later hopefully with some more information.

Update - St Sndrews cross spider Argiope versicolor

So named for one of two reasons, either because its legs are usually positioned in four pairs, forming a St Andrews cross shape or because of the extra weaving in the centre of the web, in the form of a cross, matching its leg position.

A very colorful and dangerous looking arachnid, but its venom is totally harmless to humans and the spider is non-aggressive. Its large orb web is beneficial, trapping unwanted flies and mosquitoes, so leave it be and admire the show.

The immigration thing went well. I was served by a very charming, helpful and chatty young lady who had me turned around in half an hour. Pity I did not take my camera, maybe Friday when I have to return to pick up the passport.


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