An Ikonic Adventure

By IkonBrisbane

Nova's Trivial Christmas ft. Quizteama Aquilera

If only we knew that Chrysanthemums are the national flower of Japan, or that Zane from One Direction was expelled from school, then our team- "Quizteama Aquilera" wouldn't have come third place in Nova's Trivial Christmas event by only *one point* behind two teams tied in first place. Anyway... moving on from our over-competitiveness...

The night was amazingly good fun hosted by the ever-entertaining Nova on-air crew (uncensored by the infamous "dump switch"), the nativity-themed Sales team, and footy favourites Santa Sam Thaiday, Darren Lockyer and Jonathan Brown. And of course who could forget Nova Boy, who not only scored us a few points in the quiz, but also scored a thank-you kiss from Shalyce at the end of the night (picture to follow). Good times!

A big kudos to Nova for setting up such an awesome event and for having us. We really feel like it's the Christmas season now and look forward to next years event!

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