People on a Bridge

By zerohour

WInston Churchill

No, I haven't renamed Nicolaus Copernicus (aka Copper).

I named my new camera.

To celebrate finishing my doctoral studies, I got myself an obscenely expensive (but oh, so amazing) camera (fujifilm x100f). I don't typically buy myself expensive stuff but I really needed to REMEMBER this. I ran so hard, so fast, for 6 years. I have learned an insane amount of new stuff, and did so much research, conference presentations, visiting lectures, and so on. All while teaching full time, advising 80 or so undergraduates per semester, being married, and raising a child. I MUST remember. Too many times I heard people say that finishing their PhD was anticlimactic. I can't have that; the price was too high. 

Thankfully, I have a few mindful and supportive colleagues, who get what I am going through, and are celebrating with me in ways large and small. One of my students, graduating in December, didn't intend to take part in the ceremony. She decided to walk,  just so we can walk together. That tickled me pink.

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