Sunday Bride

Slept soundly, woke up to sun and blue skies, although much cooler than of late, but doesnt it lift your spirits, after all that wind and rain?!!

After a cuppa we headed out for a walk, needed to wear my bodywarmer, though warmer in the sun :-) We got the Sunday papers, then walked home a different route, clocked up 6000 steps.

I didnt take my camera out but luckily had my was able to capture this display in our local Bridal shop! Isnt it just gorgeous!
I think if I had my time over this might be THE dress for me!!! I also like the way the outisde is reflected through the window too :-)

We had a late brunch, scrambled eggs, bacon and brown sourdough toast, followed by a proper coffee, rather yummy!

We are off to the Cinema with daughter and Emily in an hour or so, to see The House with a clock in its walls.....looks like it will be really good ;-) Will probably stop off en route home afterwards for some tea too.

Looking forward to the finale of The Bodyguard this evening :-D

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