Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Good Day Sunshine

Hello pals!

It’s been a month since I last posted a Blip, so I thought it was about time to retrieve my camera from its mothballs and provide an update on how I’ve been getting along since my hip surgery.

I felt really rough for the first week or so. The pain was horrible and I reacted very badly to anything but the mildest painkillers, which hardly scratched the surface of the pain. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus on reading (or on anything really!), I felt like a zombie and I rather regretted ever having had the operation! However, things have improved slowly but steadily since then. I’m still very sore and uncomfortable but the terrible pain has gone. I’m much more mobile (mainly with sticks but increasingly without when I’m around the house) and am working on increasing my stamina and the distance I’m able to walk. I had a physio appointment on Monday and was told that I’m doing better than most people after 4 weeks, which gave me a massive boost! So, things are gradually returning to ‘normal’ and I’m hoping to get back to work next month, even if only part-time. Fingers crossed!

Big thanks to all the wonderful friends who’ve supported me over the last month, sending cards and emails, staying over to keep an eye on me when I could barely move, cooking me nutritious meals, bringing groceries, hoovering, cleaning, grass-cutting, bringing me news of the outside world, keeping me company, watching films with me... and presenting me with beautiful flowers! And thanks to all the Blippers who’ve sent good wishes and support! I’m truly grateful to know so many great people. Love to all!

Here are The Beatles...

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