'Slob around Sunday'

Have you ever spent a day when all you do is 'slob around'??? Unfortunately, as far as my very lovely owner, Ann, is concerned, these days are becoming more and more frequent.

Today, she got up at 8.30am and took me on a little trek around town. I was being a bit 'snail like'. Actually I was being very 'snail' like! We trekked around for about 40 mins. Mmmmmmm........................ Over the summer, I've got used to just going into the field for a little 10 min play first thing in the morning. Not quite sure why I had to trek around for 40 mins today?! I think it's because Ann was a bit bored and wanted something to do????

Anyway, after my morning walk, we both just 'slobbed around' watching stuff on 'catch-up-TV'. What a waste of time was that? And then this afternoon I went along the lane. Well that wasn't very exciting so I couldn't be bothered to do any running. I just trotted along in 'good dog mode'.

When we got home, Ann said, 'Molly, I'm just popping down to the 'Pool Club' to have a couple of glasses of wine with my friend, Diane.

…......................She's home now.............................

…..............And the most exciting thing that both of us have to look forward to tonight.......................is watching the next episode of  'Vanity Fair'?!


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