Growing old disgracefully


Anaphalis margaritacea

...or just pearly everlasting. It's billowing all over the garden at the moment. I’ve just learned that you can eat the leaves, but I haven’t tried them yet.

Usual Saturday romps with our favourite ten year old. He's loving swimming at the moment and has recently learned to float.  It's easy - you just lie back and let go - but not for a cautious soul like him.  So it is a major triumph seeing him enjoying star fished with a peaceful smile. It makes me think of how hard it is for me to let go at times...but I'm learning. 

Later I finished reading The Overstory.  It's a long while since I have been so compelled by fiction.   I felt utterly bereft when I read the last page and wanted to go straight out and hug a tree.  Given it was 2 am, I restrained myself and left it till the light came up! I'm glad the novel made the Booker Short List.  Hope it wins. 

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