The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Parts Unknown

I swore I would not subject myself to watching the final episodes of “Parts Unknown,” but succumbed, and exposed myself to the last words of one of my writing heroes.

Well... sort of.

His words are there.

In a way.

Yet, emptiness prevails.

Edited after his death, the show lacked something. Anthony. His soul is gone from the show.

The emphasis for Kenya, on his guest and his African roots. Tony, an afterthought, regardless of attempts to be controversial.

The depth of Congo, Libya, or even my family roots in Armenia, are gone.

Why limit Anthony’s camera time? Did CNN know something was wrong?

This is NOT “Parts Unknown..”

“The Wolf Blitzer?” I can’t help but think Anthony would have rethought that. It’s too commercial. He hated that.

Dear China,
Take Viagra.

Really, Kamal? Are you that shallow?

Anthony would never have agreed to dialogue about not believing he’d be doing this for a living. He was trying to get Kamal to relax.

Next week... another guest?

More “B-Roll?”


You knew, CNN. You knew.


Good luck next week.

I won’t be watching.

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