Reikes small life...

By Reike

Another day off...

No spectacular pic today. Exactly as the day was, just moving on but a bit aimless.
Got too used to having days off, I fear. This month I finish working in the lab! Then another two weeks off to go to Germany to see friends, family and dentist and on 14th of May the "real" life starts...
Got up at 7 to say good-bye to my bro Hen - you get so quickly used to having someone around you! I miss him already :(
Went running for one hour. Later on met Jeanette to introduce her to my horse Farina. Farina behaved badly... But at least she was whinnying when she saw me. I guess it´s due to being spring and the hormones are a bit out of place.
Later on climbing at Alien Rock with Bärbel, Georg and Michi. Not exactly in the best form today.
So, that´s it. Tomorrow - back to work!

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