Guard dog?

I walked over the English Bridge in Shrewsbury today and this rather lugubrious beast tops a plaque in the middle recording its history. I thought it was a dog; LH asked me if it might be a lion. Whatever it is, it is really charming, giving a slightly wonky-eyed look at the modern traffic passing by.

Poppydog had her acupuncture (she too gave a good eye to the cat sitting in the surgery who had the sense to disappear) and we will try some more strategies to de-stress her overnight. Having to get up at 3am to calm a hyperventilating dog is not conducive to a good night's sleep.

I have managed a second haircut at the same place and it's fine. Hooray!!

All our carefully planned meetings went awry today. The planning officer for the bridleway seems keen to go for a diversion we don't want (but will probably get); the electrician found that the fuse box we wanted to replace had too many circuits wired in for safety and he can't fit a new, bigger one in easily; and the garden people didn't turn up after all. *sigh*

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