Seconds after this picture was taken Kade and me had a massive scare and Dex just escaped serious injury.

Walking back from school and this snarling Staffy came charging round the corner and up the street at us. We had just been speaking to Kade's dad and he shouted us a warning, I just managed to swing Dex up by his lead into my arms before the dog launched itself at us. It hit me full on! I couldn't get Dex high enough as the dog was throwing itself at us and my arms are not to strong with this Fibromyalgia and just luckily we were next to a high wall and i managed to push Dex up onto it and held him there by his collar.

Then the owner came tearing round the corner after his dog and spent ages chasing it round the wall/garden/street while it was trying to get to Dex.

All this time Kade was panicking and crying!

Then when the idiot managed to catch his dog all i got was a gruff sorry and off he went.


Why can't people keep their animals on a bloody lead!

Dex & Diva are on a lead all the time unless we're at a park or the beach for a run and if we see someone coming then back on the lead they go because there might always be that one time that he might go for another dog, Dex hasn't so far, he just wants to play - but you never know with dogs.

Idiots like this guy with his dog off a lead when there are kids coming out from school. God knows what would have happened if Kade had Dex, this was right on a main road. That dog threw itself on me and nearly had me over and i'm not exactly wee and dainty.

Sorry if you are on my facebook as you will be reading this twice.

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