Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

Hotel Chocolat

... Sounds like a place I would like to stay.

This is the box of chocolates I got free courtesy of O2 priority moments. To give them their due, O2 have provided me with countless free things as part of their priority moments, and every now and again give me money off (like the £13.99 I was paying for an £18.99 contract for six months) my bill with delightful frequency just because I'm too lazy and haven't any good reason to switch my network. I've never had any problems with them either.

Anyway, these chocolates are going very well with the cup of tea I've made to get me over the dread of filling in my PVG scheme application. Not because I'm likely to get denied anything, but because it asks for your addresses for the past eight millenia, and with being back and forth from Uni and in Canada whilst maintaining electoral registration at my home address and bank statements to my term time address it makes it all seem like I'm trying very hard to evade capture.

I officially have my first tutoring gig on Friday, so I'll have the added stress of convincing a school girl's mother I'm not going to take her daughter to France on a ferry without the security of a piece of paper claiming the same thing, whilst teaching the daughter 'Consumer Chemistry' whatever that is...

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