RIP Foxy

This lovely old chicken lady was 6 and a half, not bad in chicken years. When I went to feed them this morning she ran towards me to get breakfast and then seemed to have a stroke or some such. She could not get up so I sat her in her hut with a little food. I went back out in half an hour and she was sitting up like this and looking perky so I took this photo.

By lunchtime she has taken another turn and died, and it was probably the kindest thing to happen if she couldn't walk. KK was a little upset as she was his chicken and very friendly frequently hopping up on my knee or appearing in the house and always following us if we were around the garden.  They have been friends since he was 6.

In the extras I have put a photo from my morning walk when the light was good, that would have been today's blip. The rain came in after that and it has been cold and wet outside, feels like time to light the Rayburn as the house is damp and cold

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