Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie


Yesterday I attempted to photograph some seals, there were 3 of them swimming along so close to the shore that I could hear them grunting to each other. Everytime I managed to get them in focus they dissappeared under the waves and reappeared too far away. This game went on for ages, so I gave up. Today I was photographing the beautiful crashing sea when this chap wandered into frame. He just poked his head up, looked straight at me, flared his nostrils, twitched his whiskers and went on his way playing in the surf. It was wonderful to see him. We had a talk at the camera club I go to a few weeks ago by a lady who does seal conservation work around cornwall. The seals are identified by their fur patterns, they have names such as Medallion Man, Smiley Face and Bunny Ears because this is what the patterns in their fur look like. I'm sort of hoping this one is 'Man with horse and cart'. I had the wrong lens on to get a close up and I didn't want to crop in too much and lose the splashy background so you may want to click the magnifying glass. Or you may not. There is another shot of him (or rather another shot with him in it) here

Then my day was marred by a pair of tw#ts having some sort of tw#t-off (ie a contest to see who could drive like the biggest tw#t). This involved not bothering to slow down or even glance to the right at roundabouts, overtaking on blind bends and generally driving their tw#tmobiles like they were the only people on the road. It was a very near miss. (Please feel free to replace the # with either an i or an a depending on your sensibilities. It's a capital A for me).

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