Something for everyone

We'd headed to the complex terrain of Bessyboot for some serious navigation practice. Conditions were tough, heads were down.

But in a moment of calm we looked up.

To the South West the greatest of the Raven Crags glowered, cleft deep with menace. Many many many a climber has found themselves there, almost always for true mountaineering route Corvus. 

Due West Honister Crag offers the more modern thrill of the via ferrâtà, a wonderful repurposing of ancient toil. The impossible cliff traversed in an implausible way.

South, remote and seldom visited, a favourite of the seasoned fell walker, Glaramara. Few approach from Rosthwaite Fell, but those that do never forget the experience. 

North the Jaws of Borrowdale, a contender for the best view in the Lake District, misted mountains framing distant waters.

And last, but by no means least, lies East. Lovely hidden Langstrath guarded by its high crags, solitude, communion and challenge if required in the long lonely valley.

Some views are impossible to explain.

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