Dry dog food?

What do you feed it when it's wet?

Weekly attack of watch batteries while Herself did a bit of shopping. Not got "Wild mushrooms" in Co-op so forced into Sainsbury's en route home, got said fungi +cuppa, etc.

When Ah waz a lad any fungus which was not yer, actual, genuine, Agaricus bisporus (Not that we called it that) was known as a "Toadstool". Now it seems they're all mushrooms.

Didn't get a lot shot downtown and Gaffer preferred this "Do they ever not flower?" to the one which nudged my humerus... A sign which read "Dry dog food".
I mean COME ON?!?! what do you feed them when they're wet?

As an aside.
How the @!£$%^&* does the software decide whether or not you wish to show the world where you took a particular shot? I wasn't offered the option just now, when I published yesterday's.

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