Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

A Day's Rest

Turned out lovely today with wall to wall sunshine and blue skies. Quite a contrast from last few days and what's forecast for tomorrow. It was another day of rest from running to try and give the joints a chance to recover. Doesn't do much for the spirits when Mrs B is out for her run and I am left sitting at home on a perfect day for running!

I did go out with the camera in the morning and managed to get a shot of a Sparrow on the bamboo which I quite liked. There were plenty of Eider Ducks in the harbour, but they were still keeping a distance and making it hard to get the shot I am after.

After lunch I was starting to get fed up with sitting around and decided to go out for a walk to The Point. This is the land on the east side of Carradale Bay that often features in my sunrise blips. It was interesting looking back towards The Bay from Goat Island, which is at the end of The Point.

By the time I got back to the beach the sun was starting to set and I hung around waiting to see if any decent colours would appear. A small burn runs into the sea at the end of the beach, which provided an interesting mirror for the clouds. As often happens, the colours only appeared for a few brief minutes as the sun set over the horizon.

Not much chance of anything bright and colourful in the sky tomorrow, so had to make the most of it on this day of rest!

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