
By monochrome

Should have gone to Specsavers

Caught this guy squinting at the bus timetable on Hanover Street. He was right next to the Lothian Buses shop too - he could have gone in and asked a member of staff if he was having trouble reading it!

StevieFish was notably absent today, which meant that it was just Boab and me prowling the streets, looking for blips. Ventured down into the gardens wherein boab spotted a wee snowman perched on the handrail at the bottom of the steps. I would have blipped this, however 1) boab spotted it first and 2) he supplied the ciggie for comic effect, thus I have refrained from blipping it, however I shall post a flickr-type-link to it here: Shove yer Irn Bru - Gie's a fag insteed!

Also, finally back-blipped for my NY holiday:
* Jetting off to NYC!
* Ground Zero
* The Brooklyn Bridge
* Liberty Enlightening the World
* Gateway to the Manhattan Bridge
* Empire State Building
* 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) (also my 300th Blip!)
* Dedicated to those who fell...

And some non-NY backblips from the past few days:
* Borders without Borders
* Snowing

*phew* back-blipping is hard work :)

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