Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Last visit to the butterfly house

Today I spent almost a whole hour talking to myself when I was supposed to be hosting an info session for 16 people using Skype!!!
I had done the introduction and asked if they could all hear and see my screen and there was a resounding yes, so I continued. As there are so many people we always ask that they mute themselves and ask questions at the end so I wasn't surprised by the silence or lack of questions, until I got to the end and came off presentation mode and full screen and found that I had been kicked out of the Skype session along with everybody else. People had tried calling me, sending me texts and sending me IMs via Skype, but because I was in full screen presentation mode I couldn't receive any IMs and my phone was on silent because I was presenting......doh!! 
Ah well, lesson learned - ask lots of questions and when you get zero response, check you are still in the'd think I'd know stuff like this after 10 years of doing sometimes beats me I'm afraid. 

But on a happier note, I managed to get out at lunchtime and make my final visit of the season to the butterfly house in Widnes. There were still a few around but not many as they are closing on Saturday. I was talking to one of the volunteers and he said that the council had promised them some money to revamp the facilities so we are looking forward to an improved environment next year. 

We watched the final episode of The Bodyguard last night and really enjoyed it - I hope they make another series.

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