Do not feed the fish

So today I am baking two loaves of bread. The first one was for someone and had to be done and baked by 14:00 but it refused to behave. When it came time for some oven action it was an ocean-going catastrophe. Hugh says it's best to be moist but it was well past that and it slurped out of the proving basket into a puddle. A bit of swift service recovery and I slurped it into a loaf tin. It cooked okay and I delivered it as a swap for some home-made vegetable curry - that's why I couldn't go empty handed. It might not be the best I've ever done but I don't think it'll kill anyone and the curry looks tremendous. The other loaf is on its second prove so we'll see how it goes - it's got some wholemeal flour in it so I'm looking forward to tasting it. While I was out I restocked on flour and got a bag of rye flour too; I've started a brown flour starter and I plan to make a brown sourdough and rye loaf in a week or so. It's all go!

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