Fine Dining

Although I'd rather eat fish and chips in the car as the windows steam up, much against my better judgement we are dining out tomorrow, (somewhere posh) and according to Mrs FP I look like a dosser (she is seldom wrong, well that is what she tells me, and when she wants my opinion she'll give it to me.)

“Get yourself out and at least get a smart jacket” she insisted.

No problem. I zipped over to Whites of Wensleydale in Hawes. I'm sure jaws will drop when I walk into the restaurant with this bad boy on.

Even Arkwright seems to approve. I'm sure Mrs FP will be absolutely thrilled with my choice (as am I).

Now I'm thinking a pair of corduroys - dark blue? County weight.

A hat? Panama or tweed flat cap?. With this unseasonably warm weather I'm going to risk Panama.

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