For the little pip

There's only one  bit of important news today and that's that we have become grandparents!!! The whatsapp came through last night just as I was going to bed that things were underway so not a winks sleep was undertaken. No news on awaking this morning then the most beautiful photo arrived. I haven't heard all the details yet but I think she came faster than anticipated, the beautiful specially designed birthing suite they were hoping to use abandoned , instead it was a C section in hospital. But all three of them are well and now asleep for they are in New Zealand - so a little kiwi! We've always known it was going to be a little girl and have called her pip since we heard the news at 10 weeks for that was the size she was then. No official name yet but she's gorgeous -  plump cheeks and chubby little wrists with eyes wide open. Wish I was closer for a cuddle but they will be back for a month at the end of November. A flower for my granddaughter :)

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