Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


in the 'wild' (i.e. front yard). No flowers.

       I've embarked on my little project of copying slides. Tricky process to get a good exposure but the result is very forgiving. I keep forgetting to clean the slides of dust and hair. C'est la vie.

Diary note: In the evening I went to a unique piece of theatre. Linda Hoy, Michael Howard, and Linda Ford, collectively A Readers Theatre  presented Voices From A Small Town consisting of poetry, excerpts from Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River Anthology  and an abridged adaptation by Micheal Howard of Under Milk Wood.  In the introduction Lind Hoy quoted the answer of a little girl when asked, in the early years of television, which she liked best, television or radio (might Alistair Cooke have said 'wireless'?), she answered, "Radio, the pictures are better". The voice is a wonderful instrument and this trio, founding members of the First Repertory Company of San Antonio, are masters of the voice.

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