Zen dog

By VOC93

At the Palace

I had an answer ready in my head just in case the Duke of Edinburgh asked me: "What was the worst thing about D of E?" Well, the worst thing was definitely walking to St James Palace in my heels for this.
He didn't actually ask me this though, although it made me feel slightly less nervous knowing that I had an answer for something. Instead, he asked my what I did for my residential. Phew - easy question! He was a very nice kind man - I can imagine him being a really good grandpa actually! Also, for anyone who's wondering, I'm going to put it out there and say that he's about 5'8" - as tall as me with heels on :)
We were not allowed to take any photos inside the palace, but there was a guard outside so Mum snapped away!

To finish off the quite abnormal but really rather cool day, mum took me to a great restaurant - The Hibiscus. All of their dishes looked stunning and were delicious - hope mum had a good time too!

I absolutely 100% promise to catch up with blippers soon - I haven't forgotten you or your comments!

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