
By katgirl

Up Next, Disaster on the Beach

Today, near disaster struck during a rescue of Auricerulean turtles at the local beach. The bucket of a skid steer moving 1 of a breeding pair suddenly unlocked, pinning a marine wildlife volunteer, and dropping a priceless female of this highly endangered species.

Remarkably, the Auricerulean turtle survived with only a few bruises. The marine wildlife volunteer must possess super-human strength and healing powers, as he was completely unharmed.

The rescue operation was successfully carried out, delivering the Auricerulean turtles to a quiet, undisclosed beach, to breed and nest in peace.

There has never been a documented sighting of the large yellow gastropod shell in the picture. The shell was moved to the atrium of the Bellweather Mall where it will be displayed when Santa and the Easter Bunny are not present.

The marine wildlife volunteer and the skid steer operator enjoyed a relaxing evening after an eventful day, enjoying a dinner of Chilean Sea Bass.

My thanks to Bob for his invaluable assistance with this project and to James for inspiring me with his toy images.

I have felt a bit overwhelmed lately by all that needs to be done each day.

Yet, I found an hour to complete this project. Perhaps I need to revisit my priorities.

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