Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky - false hope - or something you would like to happen but not likely to.
Today is silly Saturday and thank to Admirer for hosting.  With such a beautiful  blue sky it seemed a shame to waste it So this was the background for my pie.  I did ask KG to help me with the warping of the pie and he obliged.  HIs comment instead of us eating the pie the pie was eating the trees - now that is silly unlike my pie in the sky which is something you see all the time don't you?  Hmm maybe not. 
We headed to our favourite fabric shot this morning and some more bits were bought. From there we went to  the garden centre and spent our vouchers and bought peat and bulbs - guess what we will be doing tomorrow.
A quite afternoon KG cut the grass in the front and we pondered where all the bulbs will go.

Have a good Saturday Blippers

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