Swallowtail on Plumbago

I was out in the yard, braving the mosquitos, making photos of the Plumbago flowers. This Black Swallowtail showed up, haven't seen one in weeks, and of course I adjusted my shutter speed to try and catch it. I'm not very adept at catching butterflies on the wing so I didn't expect my efforts to amount to much. It's not my most detailed and sharp photo of a Black Swallowtail, but I loved the background and the brown stems of a shrub on the left. Lately, I'm trying to not do so much 'up close and personal' shooting, but rather appreciating my subject's surroundings. It's like shooting B&W to me, I'm not immediately comfortable with it but more often than not end up liking the result. 
A Peaceful Week to You All!

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