
By Madchickenwoman

Derelict Sunday...

..for SarumStroller.
Was so shocked to learn of his death, particularly when I learnt it was bowel cancer. Like many I used to have late night blip chats with him now and again - I loved his sense of humour! I remember when staying with AH14 we got into a 3 way chat via blip and he gave me a heart and commented how AH14 was no doubt demanding where  hers was! Of course he gave her one! NB This morning I  found the photo where we had two  sets of extended chats - his sense of humour very evident! Had to put a link to it.

Woke to slobbery dog licks and a hissing cat! FatCat really doesn't like how he has taken her place on my bed! After breakfast I decided on a walk along to Cotehele weir then a trip to Waitrose for some essentials! On the way out saw my neighbour and asked if she wanted anything - 2 pints of milk and a wholemeal loaf on the shopping list!
Oscar was a bit anxious for some reason on our walk, and was quite freaked about not being on his lead! Silly dog! He went back on and began to relax, especially when we met other dogs! Discovered Oscar is not a water dog! He would not go in the stream! Next time I shall wear my wellingtons and see if he will follow me in!
As usual more than the essentials went into my trolley at Waitrose! I don't go that often so I thought I deserved some special treats! Oscar was most interested in the bags when we got home - he got a carrot! After lunch it was a nap for both of us until once more I was woken by slobbery licks! 
Another walk to the allotment - I am going to be so fit! Oscar had his manic session, trying to play tug by grabbing his lead and then jumping up. I ignored both and gave treats when he let go of the lead and was still - after quite a few repeats he finally got the message! What a relief! I picked some flowers and the first of my fennel for dinner tomorrow. First time I've had success with fennel so dead chuffed! On the way back Oscar  found a quince on the pavement and had great fun for the rest of the way home carrying it in his mouth then chasing it when he dropped it and it rolled away! Next visit to the allotment I'm taking a tennis ball! 
A quick dinner of Linguine, purple sprouting and pine kernels as I caught the end off Strictly. The right person went for once but I do feel sorry for Anton! I think it will be an early night - no doubt Oscar will wake me at 6.30 again!
The Exile didn't arrive today as she decided to have another day with her dad in Suffolk, another long drive for her tomorrow. I better make her bed agian! 

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