New book...

...had a few £’s left on a book token so splashed out on this. Looking forward to it’s daily addition to my day.

Church and harvest thanksgiving with the wee fella first thing...his nose was a wee bit out of joint when he found out he was in Church for the entire service today and that Sunday Club wasn’t on. He soon came round though and informed his older siblings at dinner last night that he had been “enlightened.”

Then a quick jaunt into town to collect a parcel and nose around the book shop.

Back home and we stuck the log stove on and put the kettle on for a cup of tea to wash down the lemon drizzle cake...we might also have purchased in town. Got the book out and chilled for a couple of hours in front of the fire with Columbo on in the background...before the Sunday night routine had to kick in.

Grateful for a relaxing Sunday.

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