nurture vs nature

Nature is doing this i.e. fog and has been for days and days and days. The fog is cold, damp and full of pollution as it's made a lid over the motorway and nothing can escape into the atmosphere. Everything is dirty, wet and drab.
It's the kind of weather that I hate, hate, hate. And then hate a bit more.
These days I know, however, that it can be beaten with vitamin D tablets, so I'm now a happy sunshiny bunny again as Mr. Spitzi brought me a little bottle of sunshine home last night - two pills in and I'm already in the crazy happy dancing stage :-)

Nature gave me a set of genes to work with that tried to kill me off before I'd even got started. If it wasn't for the discovery of antibiotics (quite a while before my birth!) I'd just be yet another infant mortality statistic. I've battled my inherently peely-wally state ever since I've been in charge of my own health reaching a happy, current state where I can honestly say Nurture 1, Nature 0. I can do a happy sunshine dance even with a snotty nose.

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