Birthday Boy

Chris got back to his flat from his Ryder Cup trip to Paris after midnight this morning to discover we had placed Happy Birthday banners at strategic points around his flat to celebrate his 36th birthday today.

Having caught up on his sleep after a series of very early mornings and celebratory nights, he came round this afternoon for a birthday meal.

In the absence of cake, we made him blow out a candle in his lemon cheesecake! Beneath is a photo of him in sporting action, centre stage, when he was a mere slip of a lad. (Our memories are a bit hazy as to when this was!). His friend and former team mate who mailed it to him this morning is the one in hot pursuit on the left.

This morning Henri and I enjoyed a much more close fought golfing contest than the Ryder Cup, going down to the last hole where we ended all square.

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