Today is the start of the festive season (allegedly) and so we made our way (on bus) into town to celebrate by riding the galloping horses. Mr nut loved the carousel last year, but I realised (too late) that it was more vigorous that I was expecting and I had to rely on my thighs of steel to hold us both on the horse. This year, his legs were a lot longer and it all felt much safer. I might even go on again.

Then we had festive Black Forest gateau hot chocolate (me. With extra espresso) and a gingerbread man (mr nut and his assorted angry birds and pigs which still had to accompany us everywhere).

Then mr nut went on the baby ride by himself, and we checked out the displays in the shopping malls, and the rest of the allegedly german christmas market. Then we got him some snow boots and walked to the train station to see the trains before catching the bus home and sitting on the forbidden top deck, right at the front.

It was in many ways the perfect day for a small nut. It did tire him out though! At dinner I asked him what his favourite part was and he said it was finding a lost glove on the ground, and that he talked to a crab on the pavement.

Children are insane.

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