Trying on specs...

I had an eye test yesterday and my near vision needs a stronger prescription. A couple of weeks ago I ordered in frames which were not in store but they still haven’t arrived. I have a Golden Ticket (half price) which expires on Friday so have been looking at others. Even after the ticket has expired I could still go for the 2 for one offer but I’d be happy to start with a single pair at half price and these that I’m trying on look and feel good. I’m busy on Friday so I will order what’s in store tomorrow...
Before wandering into Specsavers I did a reccé on finding a geocache from the co-ordinates. I found the site easily enough though didn’t bother looking for the actual cache; I’ve set up a new U3A Group to do that. Now waiting to see whether I get any takers...

This afternoon I have the first of 6 creative writing course meetings. Sadly I have to leave early for an appointment with my rheumi nurse.

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