Geese, and More to the Story

We passed these guys today on a backroad trip into McMinnville. I used to see these two geese all the time on my way to work back in the day. Good to see them. BUT...

there's more to today's story. This afternoon I was cutting some blackberries and other brush away from the poplars in our back yard that I pictured the other day. Long story short, I hit a yellow jacket nest. I got stung on the forearm, then after running to the garden, one of the little buggers chased me down and stung me on the finger. After being a little freaked out, and Tom getting me an ice pack for my stings, I headed inside. After at least 20 minutes, possibly more, I felt something crawling around inside my t-shirt. I flipped it around, and here came a yellow jacket flying out. How did I not get stung?? Just lucky, I guess. The yellow jackets have been the worst in years, and just today we were talking about how lucky we were to have not been stung. So much for that. Extra photos: The scene of the crime. 

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