Play Date!

Today was Oscars playdate with Frankie who lives next door! What a successful date it was! They were both exhausted halfway through the woods by all the chasing of each other! Frankie led the play and the walk, so we got to admire his shapely behind which made me sing this song! A small selection of the two of them can be seen here!
Once back I had a tour round her house as I'd not seen it since all the building work had been done. The back room and kitchen were altered, and she was most interested to know there had once been a log burner in the now dining room! 
I had a relaxing afternoon in the sun, The exile had gone to visit her mother. Come the evening we settled down to watch the last two episodes of the Bodyguard. Well Oscar was having none of it! He went intensely manic which involved leaping up at me and biting my clothes! Even  a walk didn't calm him down, in the end I had to shut him out of the room then let him back in and make him sit in his dogbed. This worked and we got to watch the nail biting last episode without interruption! Considering how worn out he was after his playdate I simply don't know how to avert this nightly mad episode! If he starts this again tomorrow I will straight away lock him out of the front room and see if that will work! 
If you look at the top of the spiders web where its attached to the leaf you will see the spider poised there to spring out at the first insect that gets caught in it!
The Exile is moving into her own house Saturday so I hope to catch up with your Journals Sunday, if I have the energy after helping her to move in!

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