
By Adda

the train at 6:00

a vacation is on the cards. this is not one of the adventure outings. rather, this trip is to attend two weddings - two friends from college. I have a train tomorrow at 6:00 PM.

But before I get too excited...a project at work is at a very critical stage, which might force me to drop this trip. Nothing is fixed as of now. Everything will be decided tonight. I don't think I will know anything for sure before tomorrow mid-day. The bag is packed, camera battery charged, ipod charged and all my tickets are done. Other than the wedding, the high point over the next 4 days will be meeting a few really close friends from college. We also have plans to visit a couple of places in central and western India - so all this along with the two weddings - packed in 4days. It's going to be fun.

But whether I board that 6:00 o'clock train tomorrow or not, only time will tell...fingers xxxed!

Update - 1:14PM : I am missing the train

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